
Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of...
Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of tomorrow
Virtual reality pioneer Carolina Cruz shows us what happens when the real and the virtual world intersect. (01:27:15) 06 Jul 2016
John List on changing the rules of economy
John List on changing the rules of economy
Using field experiments in economy creating a more honest system and equally distributed wealth. (49:00) 25 Oct 2016
Segenet Kelemu on how Africa can conquer the world through i...
Segenet Kelemu on how Africa can conquer the world through its knowledge of the world of insects
Segenet Kelemu on how Africa can conquer the world through its knowledge of the world of insects, creating new medicines and herbicides and sustainable food... (01:01:55) 24 Nov 2015
Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local commun...
Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local community
Susant Pattnaik talks about how he wants to tackle local challenges and what the future will bring if a next generation starts innovating (01:19:56) 11 Sep 2016
Pascale Fung: extra footage
Pascale Fung: extra footage
Fung visits the Hong Kong Electronic fair, interacts with a digital robot, strolls on the beach, plays with her kids, and visits her flamenco class (12:39) 15 Apr 2016
Yoshua Bengio Extra Footage 1: Brainstorm with students
Yoshua Bengio Extra Footage 1: Brainstorm with students
Bengio walking to a classroom; talking with students at the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms on generalizing the principle of backpropagation (20:08) 18 Feb 2016
Yoshua Bengio: Extra footage 2
Yoshua Bengio: Extra footage 2
Bengio explains how computers and our brain exhibit 'deep learning' by employing multi-stage computing, and he reflects on the future of artificial intellig... (30:20) 17 Feb 2016
Yoshua Bengio: Extra Footage 3
Yoshua Bengio: Extra Footage 3
Bengio elaborates on the equations he uses, their meaning, and on his favourite songs (10:30) 17 Feb 2016
Segenet Kelemu: Extra footage 2
Segenet Kelemu: Extra footage 2
A chef prepares locusts for consumption, and a look into a locust breeding box (08:47) 24 Nov 2015
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 2
Jean-Jacques Hublin: Extra footage 2
Jean-Jacques Hublin at home elaborating on fossils and what they learn us (03:45) 05 Jul 2016

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Results from complete repository (10,580)

Youth summer fashion
Youth summer fashion
Week number 62-23Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:48) 23 May 1962
Holiday 1964
Holiday 1964
Week number 64-30Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:26) 01 Jul 1964
A day at the camp
A day at the camp
Week number 38-31Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:58) 30 Jul 1938
News from Indonesia: arrival of the commission general unvei...
News from Indonesia: arrival of the commission general unveiling of a monument at the cemetery Anjol in Batavia
Week number 46-41Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:28) 17 Sep 1946
Week number 49-14Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:24) 01 Apr 1949
Swimming lessons for toddlers
Swimming lessons for toddlers
Week number 62-24Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:08) 18 May 1962
700 year existence
700 year existence
Week number 65-38Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:29) 01 Sep 1965
150 years of rescue by the KNZHRM
150 years of rescue by the KNZHRM
Week number 74-47Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (03:35) 01 Jan 1974
Amsterdam keeps the city clean
Amsterdam keeps the city clean
Week number: 61-33Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:14) 01 Aug 1961
The Netherlands under water
The Netherlands under water
Week number 39-09Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:20) 27 Feb 1939

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